Questions & Answers
Answers to the most common questions we're asked
Q: Why choose Atmosphere Recording over another studio?

You won’t find anyone else more dedicated to getting the best possible result than us.  While some other studios are more concerned with what they want to do, we focus on harnessing our skills to maximize each client’s potential.  Recognizing the uniqueness of every individual, we offer customizable options to cater to their preferences.  You can choose the pace at which you like to work.  You can choose between utilizing personal instruments or our MIDI production setup.  You can opt for recording over a two track (stereo) beat or have a comprehensive 5-Star Mix with individual instrument trackouts.  Whether it’s crafting a demo or launching a single, we tailor our approach to suit diverse objectives.  Additionally, our extensive microphone selection reflects our understanding that no single microphone suits all voices or sources.  With a wide array to choose from, we ensure the perfect match between source and microphone, guaranteeing optimal sound quality for every recording.

Q: Do you have Auto-Tune?

That is the most commonly asked question I get besides pricing.  Yes!  Do be aware that Auto-Tune will respond based off what it’s given, so results with it will vary.  Besides Auto-Tune, we can use a number of other effects.  Another pitch correction program, Melodyne is a bit more tedious, but might be a good option to get the most natural result.   As long as it’s best for the song, I’m down for it!

Q: I found a cheaper studio. Why would I work with Atmosphere?

There are a few reasons why a cheaper option might not be the best option.

1. Workflow efficiency: Through meticulous refinement, we’ve crafted an exceptionally streamlined workflow. While lower-cost alternatives may prolong tasks, our optimized approach empowers you to accomplish more in less time, without sacrificing quality or precision.  An efficient workflow can save money in the long term.

2. Our expertise: Drawing upon our cultivated skills, we strive to enhance the quality of your product. With a blend of creativity, precision in sound engineering, and a knack for bringing ideas to fruition, we are equipped to elevate your project. In the fiercely competitive realm of music, the guidance of a seasoned professional can make all the difference.

3. Equipment: While we firmly believe that the experience of an engineer is paramount, the quality of equipment undeniably influences the final product. Cheaper studios often necessitate compromises in gear selection, potentially compromising the output. With our commitment to utilizing top-tier tools, we can consistently achieve superior results.

Q: What services do you offer?

Recording, editing, mixing, mastering music, voice-over, and video.  Sometimes I’m asked about promotion, which I don’t do to allow focus to be on the product.

Q: Where can I find an instrumental to record with?

If you don’t have your own music, I can connect you with talented producers or musicians.  You can also check out websites such as or

Q: What is the difference between tracking, mixing, and mastering?

Tracking is the process of recording.  This may include recording vocals, guitars, keyboards or any other instruments.  The goal in tracking is to get the best possible performance recorded with the right mics, in the correct positioning, going into the appropriate gear for the job.

Mixing is the blending of all the tracks.  The first step of mixing is listening to what should already be a good recording.  After that, it’s about balancing levels, dynamics, frequencies, panning and any other effect or processing to get the song to sound as good as it can.

Mastering is the final stage.  In mastering we take what should be a great mix and balance the overall frequencies, glue everything together, and get the overall volume to commercial level.

Think of the different stages of serving a meal.

  • Tracking is like gathering the ingredients.
  • Mixing is like putting certain amounts of ingredients together.
  • Mastering is like putting everything nicely on a plate to serve.
Q: There is another local studio that says they "mix as you go". Do you mix as you go?

The mix begins when you start recording.  When you choose the mic, position it properly, set the pre-amp, EQ, and compressor – you are making sure to capture a good sound.  Effects can be added to help the track to feel better.

However, if you aren’t taking time after recording to ask yourself “How can I make this track better?” and “How can I take what we have and elevate it?”, then you are cutting yourself short.  That’s what separates me from some of my competition.

There may not be a loss in quality with mix as you go, but there is no gain in quality either.  The major artists have always wanted the best they can get and not just throw on a bunch of presets.  We believe everyone should be treated as a major artist.

Q: How can I book a session?

You can contact us at 334-396-8068.  We will look at our schedule and see what works for both of us.  We do recommend booking ahead, as we are very busy and likely will not be able to take a walk-in session.  When booking, $35 is due upfront as a prepay deposit and will go towards the session.  The remaining balance based on time used will be due at the end of the session.

Ready to Experience the Atmosphere?
Before we move forward, have you:
Read the most common questions and answers?

Reviewed our rates on recording and mixing?

Checked out our facility and equipment?
